Monday, July 14, 2014

Many Excuses that I Have No Excuse for

 Hello, blogosphere! I've missed you greatly!

First things first, I've been on vacation, so that is my first excuse. My second excuse is work...I work so much and I never seem to take the time to just sit down and write a blog post. My third excuse is that I don't really have anything to blog about.

Okay, let's move on.

I don't think I'm going to post the Character of the Week posts anymore, and that's because I don't like being under pressure to post on a certain day of the week. I might post one when I get bored here and there, but other than that...

I've also been reading a lot. Like seriously, it's an addiction!

Amongst the book reading, I've also been doing a lot of thinking, whether it be creating a poem about the mountains, or a complicated mental analysis of what I prefer in a guy, or perhaps I ask myself really deep question like, "Why do we have special clothes just to sleep in?"...yep, I did a lot of thinking.

While at work this morning, I realized that people who blindly put others first is just enchanting...especially when I'm the person they're putting first(Just to clarify, I am in no way saying that I put myself first. I simply mean that it feels good when people care to put you first without having a good reason to put you first. It feels right). You cannot deny a genuinely good heart, you can deny somebody who forces themselves to be good, but a genuinely good, kind, generous heart is undeniable.

Maybe I should just start writing up posts of nonsense like this one...never mind, I've suddenly come up with like 500 ways that could go wrong.

Well, I'm sorry I don't have more to say. I'll try to blog more, but subject matter is scarce as of late. Perhaps, in a violent fit of uncontrollable rage, I'll rant about something. Ranting is my favorite, but only because it provides for a quick blog post. Is that awful? Probably.

What have you 3.6 of you been up to?


  1. That is a beautiful thought you had :-)
    Maybe I'll post when I have time too. I have so much to write!!!
    I've been at the Wilds camp in North Carolina this past week :-) and I've been preparing for the girl's bible study! So that's all good:-)

  2. Thank you!! ;)
    I can't wait to see what you post!! I miss your posts! :D
    That sounds awesome! I hope you have/had a good time!!!
