Sunday, June 22, 2014

I Hope I Made Sense

     For a long while, I couldn't figure out what bothered me so much about the "modesty culture". Maybe it was the fact that I just couldn't grasp the idea of spending that much time worrying about your clothes. I mean, I hate shopping, and the idea of trying to find something that fits in a narrow span of "modesty" is just crazy. There are so many modest clothes out there, you don't even have to put any thought into it.  

After much contemplation, I have come to a few conclusion as to why the "modesty culture" really irks me.

    Reason #1: The "modesty culture" forces girls into modesty. Pretty much every girl ever has her own sense of modesty, and the only reason any girl would dress provocatively is to draw attention to herself. I believe that girls (especially of our culture) know what is and isn't appropriate, and they all make a choice. They make a choice to be their version of modest. Now, with the "modesty culture" girls are forced into a definition of what modesty is without being able to define what modesty is for themselves. That, in turn, allows girls to be very curious about wearing things that are "immodest" by their standards. Like, say, a strapless dress, or shorts, or a dress that comes above the knee, or a tank top. (So, essentially, the plan backfires.) Instead of being comfortable in their own skin, girls in the "modesty culture" are trapped in a jail of modesty sins. Personally, my version of modesty involves no low-cut tops. That's it. As a person who doesn't look attractive in super short shorts, I don't really even have to put that up as a caution. Shorts aren't really all that provocative to me anyway, but, yea...

    Reason #2: (This one irks me the most of all!) The whole purpose of the "modesty culture" is to protect girls from drawing attention to themselves. Attention from boys. Well, I don't care what you wear, boys are still going to look at you. You can't just magically prevent boys from looking at you the wrong way, THAT'S NOT EVEN YOUR JOB! If boys are going to be boys, that's their problem, not the girls'. Like, what the heck?! When did it become a girl's responsibility to make sure that boys control themselves? WHAT?!  Life is just too short to try to solve everybody's problems, you know? Especially making up a culture that acts like they know how to prevent a boy from looking at you. This is going to sound really wrong, but who cares if boys look at you or don't look at you? Boys aren't even important until you're an adult. Seriously. (As a side fact, I'd like to say that not all boys are pigs. Like seriously, there are so many really nice guys out there, and it's like this culture is telling girls otherwise, it's really annoying.)

  Reason #3: What is so immodest about wearing a tank top? What, you're showing your arms and shoulders off, so? BLAH.

   I don't even know what my conclusion to all of this is...

  I hope I made sense. 


  1. hmmm.... I'd have to agree with you. Although you put it so plainly it almost sounds harsh.
    But really, if God has convicted you that one thing is modest and another isn't then I guess it's between you and Him.
    I personally find short shorts and tank tops immodest and lower tops (not too low though) perfectly fine.
    And your reason #2 is legitimate, but we should also do the best we can about protecting the eyes of our brothers in Christ, right? I don't think you were saying anything against that, but it is a point we shouldn't ignore.

    1. Ooops, I wasn't really trying to be harsh, haha!
      Everything you do is between God and yourself, other people aren't important when it comes to your relationship with God.
      I think shorts shorts are immodest, yes, but I have nothing against people who wear them. Okay, when I say tank top, I'm not talking about spaghetti straps, I'm talking about like a sleeveless shirt. To me, that is a tank top, spaghetti straps aren't shirts, those are undershirts.
      The answer, in my opinion, is no. Boys, men, male, guys, whatever they're called...they have their own priorities. It isn't our fault that "all boys are pigs"(Which they're obviously not), that's actually their fault. Anyway, if we dress using our natural modesty, then we shouldn't be worried. I think that the whole point of being modest is so that you please God, not so that you don't attract males. When you dress modestly, it means that you care about your being and who you are. This is going to sound really cliche, but nice guys care about more than just the way you look. I know a lot of really nice guys who don't sit around all day and talk about how hot girls are. Not all guys are like that, you know?
      Okay, I hope I made sense(again), if I didn't, let me know! (Sorry about any typos as I'm not able to proof read this!)

    2. *relieved sigh about the tank top thing;)*
      I suppose our opinions differ a little bit, but I don't think it's too big of a deal!
      (And I didn't see any typos;)

  2. So I've really thought about the short shorts thing, and I don't really think that they're immodest, I think that they have potential to be immodest. Like certains pairs of shorts could be considered immodest on certain people, do you know what I mean?
