This is a lot like the Liebster award that I did here and revisited here.
The rules are:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site
2. Put the award logo on your site
3. Answer the ten questions they asked you
4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer
Okay, So, I'll start with Margaret's Questions
1. What's the best book you've read recently?
Recently? Gosh. I don't know! I re-read The Book Thief , and it was as fabulous as ever!
2. What's your favorite song of all time? (aha, I've broken them. They'll never be able to answer this one)
Gosh. I have NO idea! Probably something by Coldplay. I could never pick an absolute favorite because music is one of those things that has to do entirely with what mood you're in. So, with that said, my favorite song is probably some obscure Coldplay or Owl City tune...maybe even One Direction?
3. What is a hobby or interest of yours that no one would expect?
Well, to be completely honest, it's usually writing. When I meet new people and tell them that I write they're always a bit surprised. I guess I'm not a whimsical and mysterious enough personality to be considered as such by a complete stranger?
I have no idea.
4. What is currently stressing you out?
Hmm...Well, our dryer doesn't have a it just keeps going and going unless you stop it...and my clothes are in there, and I really just don't them to die a violent death.
5. What is a reason to not be stressed out about that thing you answered in #4?
My life won't end if my clothes die a violent death.
6. What is your favorite memory?
Well, hmm...I don't have a single favorite memory...Seeing the mountains this past summer was amazing...Summer time lunch at Culver's...late night runs to Taco Bell...I don't know, man, there are so many!
7. Who is your biggest role model, and why? ( you guys are not allowed to say me. I know it'll be tough, but... I don't make the rules. Oh wait, I do.)
I'm going to be honest, Margaret, I was going to say you...but rules are rules!! Kidding! Kidding! (You are quite fabulous, though!)
I don't mean to be super-duper cliché, but I would definitely have to say Jesus. Jesus is (by far) my biggest role model. (After him come my parents, my siblings, and all of my close friends.)
8. Biggest pet peeve? (this question is so interesting to me... I don't know why.)
I have more than one, actually.
When people treat Pinterest like it's social media. I mean, it is to some extent, but it isn't. When I see somebody say "THANK YOU FOR THE 1K FOLLOWERS OMG THANK YOU!!" I cringe. That is not how you Pinterest!
Also, I have a lot of brothers and I absolutely hate when people say that they "feel bad" for me. No. How dare you? Do you have a brother? If you do, he must be a jerk, because my brothers are the greatest.
I can only hope that that's interesting enough...
9. What is a misconception that you are learning to overcome?
The misconception that everybody should know themselves completely, and not only that they should, but that they can...It's just not possible.
10. Finally, what are you currently eating/wishing you were eating? (saved the best for last, I did)
Skittles or gummy bears.
Thank you a million times over, Margaret, I really enjoyed these! :-)
Now, for the lovely Isabella's questions!
1. What is something you would want to say to the world?
This. A million times over.
2. What TV show/movie would you want to be a part of making, and how would you help make it?
Ummmmm.....Well, I think we all know the answer to this one. Most definitely Doctor Who! I would either write or just help out behind the scenes.
3. What is your favorite character stereotype?
Oh, gosh! I don't know! I love so many! The gentle Giant, the gentleman-like criminal, the poor farm boy...
4.What fairy tale creature (fairy, wizard, troll, enchantress, etc.) would you want to be and why?
I'd be a princess so that I could wear pretty dresses all the time, and I'd fall in love with the stable-hand, and we'd run off and get married and stuff.
5. What is your favorite genre to write in/read/watch?
My favorite genre to write is...I don't even know what you'd call it. It's like a bit dark, a bit thoughtful, a bit sad, a bit whimsical(?).
I love to read a bit of every genre, but I don't especially enjoy romantic books unless they're realistic or insanely unique...and romance books that involve teens? Forget it.
To watch? I'm game for pretty much anything, anything but horror, that is.
6. What kind of person do you want to be/become?
I just want to be good, and kind-hearted, and full of love.
7. What is stopping you from becoming that person?
I like to believe that I'm somewhere close to being that person already. Essentially though, I get in my own way.
8. What stocking stuffers do you want this Christmas?
If my family did stocking stuffers, I'd want a bunch of pens.
9. What do you want?
I want people to be open-minded and not in their own little palace of "I am right, you are wrong, the end."
Also, I could really use some fuzzy socks and some sleep.
10. Who hurt you?
Not anyone, really. If I I have been hurt, all is forgotten now. I am not a fragile person. I try to move on as fast as I can. Forgive. Forgive. Forgive.
Isabella, mah dahling, much thanks for your lovely questions! :-)
I only know maybe two bloggers who haven't already been nominated
Mary Jane
My ten questions are as follows
1. Who is your favorite character in The Hobbit films and why?
2. Do you smell books?
3. Favorite period drama?
4. What is one book that I've probably never heard of that's really good?
5. Can you make up something that rhymes right now?
6. The last movie you saw at the theater?
7. Do you like snow, or?
8. Alligators or Crocodiles?
9. When you make a PBJ. do you prefer more PB or more J?
10. Are you, are you coming to the tree?