Friday, May 9, 2014

Special Award Thing

Welllllll, I was nominated for The Liebster Blog Award by my dear blogger friend, Isabella/Caitlyn. Thanks, Isabella/Caitlyn, I really feel quite honored.

There's special rules and terms and such that have to be followed when one is nominated for such an award. So, here they are!

#1 Thank and link back to the person who nominated you (check)

#2 List 11 facts about yourself

#3 Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you

#4 Nominate 9 bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers (You can't nominate the person who nominated you)

#5 Ask them 11 questions

#6 Let them know about the nomination

Fact 1: I have suddenly forgotten everything about myself.

Fact 2: I reference Doctor Who in very unhealthy amounts each day. I just can't help myself, Bowties are cool...

Fact 3: I'm the second youngest in my family, and my older brother, my younger brother, and myself are known as "The Three Little Ones" by our other family members. My older brother has always despised the nickname, but my younger brother and myself quite enjoy it. 

Fact 4: I work at a golf course. I do mostly outside work, and I really like it. I mean, it's hard, but it's rewarding! 

Fact 5: My real name isn't Sunshyne. (Dun, dun, dunnn)

Fact 6: I have a weird obsession with owls. Seriously, I'm obsessed.

Fact 7: I sing all of the time, and I like to think I have a pretty good voice.

Fact 8: I drink my coffee black. Sometimes I have a latte or something, but I prefer it black. 

Fact 9: My addiction to Pinterest is very unhealthy...

Fact 10: I simply cannot wait for the school year to be over!

Fact 11: I'm sorry, but I am not Batman. The truth is...I am Iron man--Wait what?!

Now, to answer Isabella/Caitlyn's questions that were posed to me in a very mysterious manner...Jk! They were posed in a very natural and intelligent form. ;)

1.) What is your favorite kind of pie?
Whoa! There are just SO MANY choices! I would have to say that my favorite is either pecan pie or pumpkin pie.

2.) If you were ruler of the universe, what laws would you make?
I wouldn't actually have a whole lot of laws, and that's probably because I would be a pretty awful ruler in general... I think that one law would probably be that everyone is entitled to their own veiw of life, and it's everyone's job to respect that. (Did this post just get deep?)

3.) What's your favorite joke?

Uuuuhhh, I have a new favorite everyday, but one of my favorites is this one:

Person A: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Person B: Seriously? 
-Awkward pause-
Person B: *deep sigh* I don't know, why?
Person A: To get to the house of the most awesome person ever.
Person B: *Confused glare*
-Awkward pause-
Person A: Knock Knock
Person B: *"Are you serious" look* Who's there?
Person A: The chicken.

4.) Donuts or Bagels?
Donuts! They're more fattening, but who cares!?

5.) List your favorite words.
Wow, really, there are so many...can I just say every word ever? That's the truth, I love all words. Words are my favorite!

6.) If you had a theme song (like Darth Vader does) what would it be? (If you can't think of a specific song, what genre would it be?)
"Sunshine On My Shoulders" by John Denver for very obvious reasons. Why yes, it would be kind of slow to walk into the room, but I could just do ballet or something.

7.) Would you rather have a big house or little house? Why?
Well, I would like a little house because it's cute and cozy, but "The Three Little Ones" have always dreamed of having a house big enough for all of them to live in someday. So, I'm really at a crossroads here...

8.) What is something you are proud of?
I'm proud that God loves me even though I'm pretty, well, human.

9.) What is something you are embarrassed about?
Thanks for asking my nightmare question...haha! I'm embarrassed that I spend so much time doing nothing. I live in this beautiful world, and I just spend my day on my electronics. Also, one time I forgot to wear deodorant to church, and I thought my bestfriend forgot because of the smell. So, yea, that was kind of embarrassing. 

10.) Who is your fantasy crush?
All time? Probably Edmund Pevensie or Gilbert Blythe. What's not to love about either of them? 

11.) What is the most bazaar thing that has ever happened to you?

 Gosh, I don't know! There really isn't a whole lot of bazaar things that have happened to me. Seriously, I can't even think of one. I'm pretty boring.  

Everyone that I follow has already been nominated, except for Josie, so I nominate Josie, she's pretty great! 

My questions for Josie:

Do You want to build a snowman?

Do you like the sky?

Favorite animal?

Are you high key or (wait for it) Loki?

What's your favorite season?

If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be?

Who was your first fictional crush?

Would you rather be a unicorn or a centuar?

What's your favorite bible verse?

Where do you go when you're mad?

What's Scotland's national animal?

Thanks again to Isabella/Caitlyn for nominating me! You're really too kind!