Thursday, May 29, 2014

New Obsession

    I was drawn to the book section at Walmart the other day. I don't usually shop for books at Walmart of all places, but books + me = unavoidable meeting. Anyway, I was just browsing the very slim selection of books that Walmart so generously offers, and BAM! a special book catches my eye.
     A black paperback book that's just nestled between all of the other "Teen" books. It looked so frighteningly out of place with it's simple cover and it's bold title. 
     Wreck This Journal
     If you don't think dreams come true, then this will change your beliefs completely(or maybe not, but whatever). I snatched the book from the shelf, quickly leafed through it, and I was in love.  I had a bit of extra cash with me, and the book was on sale anyway, so, yea, meant to be.
      I've hoped that I would be able to obtain a Wreck This Journal someday, but I never gave it too much thought. Then it was there, and it was suddenly mine.
    Here I am a few days later and I just can't stop flipping through and filling out page after page. If you do not have a Wreck This Journal, you need one. I mean, this thing has blown my mind. I am so freaking obsessed with it! I want to savor it, but I just can't! I want to do all of the pages now!
    So, yea, this is my new obsession, and it should be yours too. I mean seriously, you need one, I know you do. This is like The Book Thief level of mind blown-ness. This is epic at its most epic.


  1. Ohhh! I don't have one of those but I know people who do, and I've helped destroy the pages..It is a FABULOUS invention!

    ALso, have you heard of Smash Books? You should go to your local Michael's and check those out fun...

    1. I know!!! I loooooove it! I'm never going to bored again...well, not until I finish it anyway ;)!

      No, I haven't, I'll have to check it out!
