Friday, May 2, 2014

Saturday Sunshine: Not A Very Good Analogy

        Hey there! I know this is early, buuut I'm waking up early tomorrow, and I have to go out of town for the, I figured I'd post this now. This isn't really, in my opinion, "Saturday Sunday material", but it's my blog and I DO WHAT I WANT! Whoops, sorry, I was just pretending I was Loki for a moment there. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this not-really-all-that-great-of-an analogy. 

     To understand the analogy I'm going to write about, you have to know the family dog, Stewie (Stewart). This is Stewie:

     He's two years old now, but he still acts like a puppy, and--despite being the family dog--he's convinced that I am his master. He's a pretty high maintenance dog, I mean, he's always wanting to play, to be fed, to be let outside or back inside, he always wants to cuddle, or bark at some ridiculous inanimate object that he considers a threat. As you can imagine, it gets kind of annoying at times how attached to me this dog really is, but--even though I get angry at him for being so annoying--I still love him dearly. He really is a great dog.
     Every time I think of how we must look in God's eyes I think of how I look at Stewie. I see Stewie as possibly the dumbest dog I've ever met, but I love him so much. It's really quite embarrassing the amount I love him considering that he can't love me back. I always think that that must be how it is for God sometimes. He loves us so much knowing that some of us will never love him back at all. 
     Up until recently, I always thought that it must be really hard for God to love us, but now I think it must be quite easy for God to love us. To God, we must seem pretty dumb and weak, but he loves us all the more. That's how it is when Stewie does something astronomically stupid, I laugh admiringly at him because he's just so lovable. I'm not saying that God laughs when we mess up because that's obviously not the case, but I am saying that we're really small and simple compared to him.
     Okay, so this might not be the most perfect analogy ever, but it really is how I think. Obviously there are some key differences between the love I show for my dog, and the love God shows us. Obviously. However, it never ceases to awe me that God loves us as much as he does. We're so little, so powerless, so weak, but he loves us still. I mean, if that isn't humbling, I don't know what is.

"7 For scarcely will one die for a righteous man, yet perhaps for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth His love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." --Romans 5:7-8


  1. That is a good analogy! Very humbling, I must say.

    ....I love your Loki reference by the way....

  2. Wellllll, At least somebody understands...(;
    Oh, thanks! Loki's pretty referable lol

  3. Awww, he's so cute! =) I love Loki too, Isabela xD <3

    1. And yes, the analogy was great!!

    2. He really is adorable!
      Uuuuh, thanks, it was apparently a better analogy than I originally thought! ;)
