Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Accept Your Worth

     I think that everyone just needs to realize how important they really are to the people around them. I mean, you're loved, so get out there and feel the love.

     I am not a good example of someone who accepts that I am as appreciated as I am. This is a struggle I have faced quite recently. For me, it's hard to be okay with the idea that people really go through a lot of trouble to do all of these things for me, and it's hard to realize that I'm worth that. Like, seriously, guys, this is a  real problem of mine.
     I think that my biggest issue in this situation is that I'm afraid that if I give into the idea that I am really worth that much, I'll develop a really big ego. 
     Developing a big ego is a fear of mine. I never want to think of myself as better than others because everyone is equal on this earth, and it's not my job to look down on people.

     Do I keep denying my worth or do I accept my worth?

     I am loved. I am enjoyed. I am important to people. I am worthy. 
Yet, I still ask myself what I can do to deserve the love and appreciation I am given from the people around me. The answer?


    They love me for who I am. Even if I think I'm pretty worthless and stupid at times. I may not be worthless, but I'm pretty stupid for not realizing how worthy I am. Everyone is worthy. Even if all humans have abandoned them, God will not abandon them. 

     The way to stay humble, I think, is to realize that you're worthy of the love you're given, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to improve who you are(and I don't mean physically). When I say "improve who you are", I mean you improve who you are. Don't go asking people what's wrong with you because the ones who love you won't see your faults, and all the others will exaggerate your faults. Of course, your favorite people are always there for love and support. Improvement happens slowly, so be patient. Nobody's perfect, so don't strive for perfection, it isn't worth it. If you like who you are, then stay that way. If you feel like you need to change, then change.

     It's kind of funny that this type of thing has happened to me because it is a situation I have tried to avoid. I have always taught myself that I am enough, but I apparently never listened because here I am. Maybe I'm enough to others, but not enough to myself. That's it. That's the problem.

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