Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wednesday's Ray: Prom Is Unimportant

     Ah, yes, Prom. 
   Prom seems so important. So desirable
   "You're so worthless if you don't go to prom." 
   For a long while I thought that everyone wanted to go to Prom, and that somehow that meant that I had to go. You know, because Prom is so important and essential to life. Now, as you probably know, I'm homeschooled, so Prom is especially pointless. Like, what is the point? I really don't get it. Let's break it down.
   If you don't go to Prom, are you going to die?
   If you don't go to Prom, are your future plans and ambitions going to be stunted?
   If you don't go to Prom, are you going to die--Oh, wait, sorry, I already asked that one.
   It looks like Prom is quite unimportant. I mean, if you want to party with a bunch of hormonal highschoolers, then, please, be my guest. Personally, I've always felt that society puts a certain emphasis on Prom. Like seriously, going to Prom is not going to change your life. At least, I hope not, because that would just be weird. I mean think of how that would sound.
   "Going to Prom changed my life!"
   "How can you say all these things when you've never even experienced anything like prom?" I hear you asking.
   Well, believe it or not, I have been to a school dance. It was sort of like a semi-formal. I found it to be okay. That's it. But Prom is waaay different than semi-formal, believe me.  Yea, there's more people, and fancier clothing on everyone, and probably better food. Wow, sounds exhilarating. I might need a minute to process this one. 
   Okay, I've processed the information, and Prom still looks unimportant. If you desire to go, then go. I'm not trying to stop you from going, that's not my job. My job, however, is working at a golf course--wait what?! I'm getting of subject here! 
   I'm just trying to help you understand that if you choose/chose not to go to Prom, then so what? If people in your life shoot you down for staying home and reading a book, then those people need to get out of your life. They don't understand how important books are, and nobody can afford to live with such negativity. 
   Okay, I'm done ranting about the unimportance of Prom. You can go back to your life now. 
   (Just a side note: "Prom proposals"? Uh, no. You're not getting married, you're going to go to a dance together. What is this nonsense? Just ask her, you know, by walking up to her and asking her to go with you. Simple.)


  1. Hey! Yeah prom is unimportant..and so is the blogging award I nominated you for...But I thought you would like to know about it anyways ;)
    Check out my latest post (it has instructions concerning the nomination in it).

    1. Hahaha! You make me laugh!
      Thank you so much, I'm pretty honored that I deserve this, haha! :D

    2. Yeah! You do! I love your blog! You are so fantastic! You totally deserve it =D

    3. Awwww thanks! You're seriously more fantastic than myself though! ;)

  2. No way, girl! God made us equally amazing!
