Tuesday, October 14, 2014

In My Own Way

     Well, I'm back. I'm going to get more than one post in for this month *high fives self*. I love to blog, I promise, but good blogging subjects, motivation, and time rarely come at the same time...or maybe I'm just making excuses.

      For as long as I can remember, I've always embraced being a little odd, a little bit too loud, and a tad too thoughtful some days...but I never thought that it would stand in my way.
      I guess for almost forever, I've been afraid that I was so odd, so different, so very inconsistent in vocal volume that I wasn't worth knowing...at least not to everyone. Now, I'm not saying that I dislike myself, because I love who I am. I just thought that I was too weird for most people, while, in truth, I'm not.
      To understand what exactly what I'm getting at here, we have to realize that everyone is a bit odd, a bit too loud, or a bit too quiet, or maybe they have a weird fetish for candles or something. Those little oddities are what makes all of awesome. The problem is that we believe we need to hide how odd we are, but why? What's the point, really?
      Now (on a note that may seem unrelated but I promise it isn't), I hate when my friendliness is mistaken for flirting, but I think I fear it more than I hate it. I fear that that's what any boy is going to think if I talk to him. It honestly drives me nuts. On the flip side though, I think what it was is that I was just telling myself that I was too odd for any guy to find interesting...even as a friend. I mean, I'm not talking forever alone, but sometimes boys my age are very confusing...and, I mean, let's face it, girls are always confusing, so boys should be able to confusing for at least one faze of their life, right? Back to the point, you should just throw the idea that you're not interesting to guys out the window, because you're probably really funny or something, and guys enjoy a good laugh, sooooooo...
       Anyway, I was afraid of me for so long, and it's time for me to suck it up and deal. If I can do it, so can you. We can't go our whole lives stuck in this hole of fear that our oddities aren't worth getting to know. Throw that idea out of the window, darling, because it's not going to get you anywhere important. 
      By the way, I'm 400% sure that I've made most to no sense here, but maybe someday it'll click with you. At least, I hope so.

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