Monday, November 3, 2014

Look at You

     My life's been kind of it always seems to be when I decide to write a blog post. Oh, well, that's life.

     Sometimes my life is so busy that I kind of forget to slow down. Of course this week there isn't a lot planned for fact, I'm afraid I'm going to forget about the one thing I do have planned.

    Anyway, it's November.  
    October was a whirlwind for me, and I'm kind of hoping that this month isn't  as hectic.
     I just realized that Thanksgiving is coming up! FOOD! PIE! FAMILY!
     Also, I bought a new dress! My mom and I went out shopping for clothes (something we both hate), and we were more successful that we could have ever dreamed possible. I have new clothes now, and I don't even know what I'm supposed to do with all of them! I feel weirdly empowered every time I acquire new items of clothing...I'm pretty sure I could rule the world or something.
    Anyway, my dress is red, and awesome, and I'm pretty sure Clara Oswald would be immensely proud of me right now! 
    I didn't go trick or treating this year...I haven't been in some years anyway, but I'm thinking of going next year...maybe I can drag my bestie into coming with me. 
    Just so you know, I'm writing this post as a product of procrastination...I don't want to do school, so I'm blogging. Seems logical, right? I thought so myself.
    I just want to write a bunch of nonsense for no reason because procrastination!

    Insecure people will be the death of me! YOU ARE SO GREAT! STOP BEING SO INSECURE! LOOK AT YOU BEING ALL YOU! I kinda just want to punch everyone in the, wait, that came out wrong...forget I said that. What I mean is, you are so wonderful, there's no need to be insecure about who you are, or what you look like, or whatever. You are you, and that's the only person you have to be.
    For a long time now, I found myself struggling to define myself...if I could just explain myself to myself then everything would make sense. But the truth is, you're not supposed to be definable. You're supposed to be confusing, and odd, and quirky, and you're supposed to have that hair, or that nose, or whatever...and don't ever apologize for thinking differently than everyone else. You are you, and thinking differently is one of the greatest gifts that will ever be given to you. 
     I just wish people weren't insecure about who they are, or about not being worthy of somebody, or other stuff. Life's too short to sit around and be insecure about everything. You have this beautiful life, and it's not worth making ugly with your insecurities. I suppose everybody's insecure about something, I know I am (I hate myself for it, but I am), and some might argue that insecurities are what make us human, but I feel like insecurities suck the humanity from us. So, please, get past the lies you're told, and the lies you tell yourself because lies aren't true. The truth is that you're wonderful in every single way, and if you don't jump off your ship of insecurity, you'll never be able to swim in the beautiful sea of life. 
   So, yea.



  1. how absolutely beautiful, I wish all the insecure people in the world knew about your blog...
    Thank you for helping this particular one, though :~) <---That nose

    1. You have touched my heart. You are more than welcome. my dear. :)

  2. You have many true points, Sunshyne. :) I love it.
