Here's the deal: I'm moving to a new blog. I've loved this blog as long as it's been my blog, but I've just decided that it's time to move to a classier, cleaner slate. So, catch me over HERE if you you feel the need.
I don't want this blog to be forgotten, in fact, I'm sure I'll refer back to it on numerous occasions. This move isn't about forgetting this blog, it's about being the person I am now, and the person I am now needs fresh, clean, and brand new for her new thoughts and ideas.
Also, thank you to those of you who have actually been reading my blog from the start, you guys are awesome and I love you all!
Friday, December 25, 2015
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Here's A Bit of Hate and Fear
First of all, I'd like to just clear some things up that may or may not be already painfully obvious.
(1) I can't do the favorites of the month anymore because...
(2) I got a full time job, and, honestly, my life has no real excitement, although...
(3) You should watch The X Files because that's what I've been doing with most of my time.
Oh, look, here are some things I hate.
1 thing I hate: I hate being told to do something, and then I do it wrong, and the person who told me to do it in the first place doesn't tell me I'm doing whatever I'm doing wrong/bad.
Example: Last year, when I worked at the golf course, a coworker (We'll call him Squishy) and I were cleaning some golf carts. Apparently, I wasn't rinsing the tires good enough (Literally just squirting the tires with a hose, c'mon, who could mess that up?), but, when I asked Squishy if I was doing good, he put me on the job of spraying the seats with cleaner, and he started spraying the tires. YOU COULD HAVE JUST TOLD ME I WASN'T DOING A GOOD JOB, OH MY WORD!
2 Thing I Hate: When my friends are stupid, but I can't tell them because I don't run their lives and I'm no better than them most days anyway, so what do I really know? At the same time, I hate that I don't have the guts to tell them that they're making stupid decisions or whatever...but I just want them to grow and figure things out for that so awful? I don't want to be the friend that says "I told you so.", I just want to be the friend that says "I know you messed up, but I won't ever stop loving you no matter what because I love you and you're awesome."
3 thing I hate: I honestly hate the feeling when you try to explain why you do the things you do or act the way you act...and the person you're talking to isn't even giving what you have to say a thought. You know when you can just feel somebody doesn't care or doesn't want to care? I hate that feeling.
4 thing I hate: I hate when you want to write...really really want to write, but you have absolutely nothing to write about. (See this post here)
The truth about this post is simply that I began writing it an age ago...and I've only just now come across it. I've missed blogging, I feel a little lost without it, honestly. I have good subjects to write on, but often no time (or computer available) to actually blog about it.
I think I'm also slightly scared that someday I'll never, ever want to blog...or write. This fear comes from the fact that I recently gave up documenting my life via the writing of a conventional journal. I have documented my life for the past 6-7 years in journal after journal, but over the last year or so I've sort of just forced myself to document out of a kind of sworn duty to nobody but myself. I suddenly realized that documenting my life in that way wasn't a part of me any longer.
Isn't it fascinating, and amazing, and scary, and wonderful how much we all change throughout our lives? It's so lovely to be human, and so terrible at the same moment. I'm afraid sometimes that I'm becoming somebody that I don't want to be. I'm afraid that as I change that I'm no longer the person I was a year ago, or a month ago, or a day ago...maybe I'm so different that I've become unrecognizable from the person I was last week.
Of course, my fears are really irrational. I mean, life is about changing as a person. Life is about growing up...always growing up. It seems you can be 75 and still grow. We can all always grow, so don't be afraid.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Rather Awkward
I'm the type of person that avoids talking to new people because I want to do what's in their best interest, and if it seems like I may bother them, I try my best to steer clear. It isn't that I personally find myself unpleasant, because I really don't. I find myself to try put others' thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and ideas before mine...even before I've met them. On the outside, because I try to take in everything and everyone, I come across as rather awkward upon first impression.
I feel like this is somehow the curse of being an introvert. As an introvert, I'm always contemplating...and that crosses over into social ventures as well. So, yeah, I'm sitting silently, and I look lonely in doing so, but I'm more than aware of everything that's going on around me. (And thus, I'm a tad socially awkward.)
It almost feels as if I'm wearing a mask, and the mask comes off when I'm with somebody I love, or when I think of something funny, or when I'm driving alone and I find myself singing at the top of my lungs along with the radio. Honestly, I can't survive without this mask. It allows me to survive, it's a part of who I am.
I'm quite sure we all have our own mask that we wear at different times around different people. I don't think the mask that we all wear is an awful sort of mask, I think it's more of a mask that's always been there, since we were born. There are, of course, awful masks as well.
I do not wear my mask to hide. I wear my mask because that's who I am.
Sometimes, I really wonder whether I'm making any's so difficult to write my thoughts most days...Also, this might be a product of my recent Phantom of the Opera obsession...I don' even know. Just smile and wave, and pretend I made sense...or don't. Okay, I'm silencing myself now.
(I feel like that last paragraph is proof I'm awkward.)
I feel like this is somehow the curse of being an introvert. As an introvert, I'm always contemplating...and that crosses over into social ventures as well. So, yeah, I'm sitting silently, and I look lonely in doing so, but I'm more than aware of everything that's going on around me. (And thus, I'm a tad socially awkward.)
It almost feels as if I'm wearing a mask, and the mask comes off when I'm with somebody I love, or when I think of something funny, or when I'm driving alone and I find myself singing at the top of my lungs along with the radio. Honestly, I can't survive without this mask. It allows me to survive, it's a part of who I am.
I'm quite sure we all have our own mask that we wear at different times around different people. I don't think the mask that we all wear is an awful sort of mask, I think it's more of a mask that's always been there, since we were born. There are, of course, awful masks as well.
I do not wear my mask to hide. I wear my mask because that's who I am.
Sometimes, I really wonder whether I'm making any's so difficult to write my thoughts most days...Also, this might be a product of my recent Phantom of the Opera obsession...I don' even know. Just smile and wave, and pretend I made sense...or don't. Okay, I'm silencing myself now.
(I feel like that last paragraph is proof I'm awkward.)
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Incase You Were Wondering...
Hey there, lovely people of the internet! I'd like to start by saying that I caught a variety of different viruses for the better part of this month, so I haven't been able to blog really at all (obviously). I was about to do my favorites for February, and, alas, I got sick...and then I thought I was all better...but I became sick again...and I was all better (Or I so naively thought)...only to find myself sick, yet AGAIN. So, yea, that happened.
Please, I ask you not to worry, as I believe I have seen the last of that nasty evilness.
So, here I am blogging because I feel the need to. I would really feel silly if I didn't manage to blog at least once this month....I mean, that would kind of break my little blogger heart...just a bit.
For February favorites, you really didn't miss much. I got these amazing fuzzy socks, and a new pair of Converse shoes (still not high-tops, sadly), and that's pretty much it.
My march favorites aren't much better...I think I watched one movie I really liked(How to Steal a Million), but I was too sick to even watch Netflix, so, alas, my favorites for this month probably will not exist either. I hope to pick up my favorites series for the month of least, that's the idea.
I have an idea for a post in mind, and I'll try to get that up and written as soon as humanly possible. I am rather busy this next week, but I promise to try my best, haha!
I hope you had a much better month of March than I did!
On a completely unrelated note, I should start reading Little Women every March...You know, because their last name is March. Okay, so perhaps not every March, but maybe every other March or something. I JUST FEEL LIKE I'M MISSING A REALLY IMPORTANT OPPORTUNITY, OKAY?
Please, I ask you not to worry, as I believe I have seen the last of that nasty evilness.
So, here I am blogging because I feel the need to. I would really feel silly if I didn't manage to blog at least once this month....I mean, that would kind of break my little blogger heart...just a bit.
For February favorites, you really didn't miss much. I got these amazing fuzzy socks, and a new pair of Converse shoes (still not high-tops, sadly), and that's pretty much it.
My march favorites aren't much better...I think I watched one movie I really liked(How to Steal a Million), but I was too sick to even watch Netflix, so, alas, my favorites for this month probably will not exist either. I hope to pick up my favorites series for the month of least, that's the idea.
I have an idea for a post in mind, and I'll try to get that up and written as soon as humanly possible. I am rather busy this next week, but I promise to try my best, haha!
I hope you had a much better month of March than I did!
On a completely unrelated note, I should start reading Little Women every March...You know, because their last name is March. Okay, so perhaps not every March, but maybe every other March or something. I JUST FEEL LIKE I'M MISSING A REALLY IMPORTANT OPPORTUNITY, OKAY?
Monday, February 9, 2015
The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers
So I was nominated by Margaret and Isabella for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award
This is a lot like the Liebster award that I did here and revisited here.
The rules are:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site
2. Put the award logo on your site
3. Answer the ten questions they asked you
4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer
Okay, So, I'll start with Margaret's Questions
1. What's the best book you've read recently?
Recently? Gosh. I don't know! I re-read The Book Thief , and it was as fabulous as ever!
2. What's your favorite song of all time? (aha, I've broken them. They'll never be able to answer this one)
Gosh. I have NO idea! Probably something by Coldplay. I could never pick an absolute favorite because music is one of those things that has to do entirely with what mood you're in. So, with that said, my favorite song is probably some obscure Coldplay or Owl City tune...maybe even One Direction?
3. What is a hobby or interest of yours that no one would expect?
Well, to be completely honest, it's usually writing. When I meet new people and tell them that I write they're always a bit surprised. I guess I'm not a whimsical and mysterious enough personality to be considered as such by a complete stranger?
I have no idea.
4. What is currently stressing you out?
Hmm...Well, our dryer doesn't have a it just keeps going and going unless you stop it...and my clothes are in there, and I really just don't them to die a violent death.
5. What is a reason to not be stressed out about that thing you answered in #4?
My life won't end if my clothes die a violent death.
6. What is your favorite memory?
Well, hmm...I don't have a single favorite memory...Seeing the mountains this past summer was amazing...Summer time lunch at Culver's...late night runs to Taco Bell...I don't know, man, there are so many!
7. Who is your biggest role model, and why? ( you guys are not allowed to say me. I know it'll be tough, but... I don't make the rules. Oh wait, I do.)
I'm going to be honest, Margaret, I was going to say you...but rules are rules!! Kidding! Kidding! (You are quite fabulous, though!)
I don't mean to be super-duper cliché, but I would definitely have to say Jesus. Jesus is (by far) my biggest role model. (After him come my parents, my siblings, and all of my close friends.)
8. Biggest pet peeve? (this question is so interesting to me... I don't know why.)
I have more than one, actually.
When people treat Pinterest like it's social media. I mean, it is to some extent, but it isn't. When I see somebody say "THANK YOU FOR THE 1K FOLLOWERS OMG THANK YOU!!" I cringe. That is not how you Pinterest!
Also, I have a lot of brothers and I absolutely hate when people say that they "feel bad" for me. No. How dare you? Do you have a brother? If you do, he must be a jerk, because my brothers are the greatest.
I can only hope that that's interesting enough...
9. What is a misconception that you are learning to overcome?
The misconception that everybody should know themselves completely, and not only that they should, but that they can...It's just not possible.
10. Finally, what are you currently eating/wishing you were eating? (saved the best for last, I did)
Skittles or gummy bears.
Thank you a million times over, Margaret, I really enjoyed these! :-)
Now, for the lovely Isabella's questions!
1. What is something you would want to say to the world?
This. A million times over.
2. What TV show/movie would you want to be a part of making, and how would you help make it?
Ummmmm.....Well, I think we all know the answer to this one. Most definitely Doctor Who! I would either write or just help out behind the scenes.
3. What is your favorite character stereotype?
Oh, gosh! I don't know! I love so many! The gentle Giant, the gentleman-like criminal, the poor farm boy...
4.What fairy tale creature (fairy, wizard, troll, enchantress, etc.) would you want to be and why?
I'd be a princess so that I could wear pretty dresses all the time, and I'd fall in love with the stable-hand, and we'd run off and get married and stuff.
5. What is your favorite genre to write in/read/watch?
My favorite genre to write is...I don't even know what you'd call it. It's like a bit dark, a bit thoughtful, a bit sad, a bit whimsical(?).
I love to read a bit of every genre, but I don't especially enjoy romantic books unless they're realistic or insanely unique...and romance books that involve teens? Forget it.
To watch? I'm game for pretty much anything, anything but horror, that is.
6. What kind of person do you want to be/become?
I just want to be good, and kind-hearted, and full of love.
7. What is stopping you from becoming that person?
I like to believe that I'm somewhere close to being that person already. Essentially though, I get in my own way.
8. What stocking stuffers do you want this Christmas?
If my family did stocking stuffers, I'd want a bunch of pens.
9. What do you want?
I want people to be open-minded and not in their own little palace of "I am right, you are wrong, the end."
Also, I could really use some fuzzy socks and some sleep.
10. Who hurt you?
Not anyone, really. If I I have been hurt, all is forgotten now. I am not a fragile person. I try to move on as fast as I can. Forgive. Forgive. Forgive.
Isabella, mah dahling, much thanks for your lovely questions! :-)
I only know maybe two bloggers who haven't already been nominated
Mary Jane
My ten questions are as follows
1. Who is your favorite character in The Hobbit films and why?
2. Do you smell books?
3. Favorite period drama?
4. What is one book that I've probably never heard of that's really good?
5. Can you make up something that rhymes right now?
6. The last movie you saw at the theater?
7. Do you like snow, or?
8. Alligators or Crocodiles?
9. When you make a PBJ. do you prefer more PB or more J?
10. Are you, are you coming to the tree?
This is a lot like the Liebster award that I did here and revisited here.
The rules are:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site
2. Put the award logo on your site
3. Answer the ten questions they asked you
4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer
Okay, So, I'll start with Margaret's Questions
1. What's the best book you've read recently?
Recently? Gosh. I don't know! I re-read The Book Thief , and it was as fabulous as ever!
2. What's your favorite song of all time? (aha, I've broken them. They'll never be able to answer this one)
Gosh. I have NO idea! Probably something by Coldplay. I could never pick an absolute favorite because music is one of those things that has to do entirely with what mood you're in. So, with that said, my favorite song is probably some obscure Coldplay or Owl City tune...maybe even One Direction?
3. What is a hobby or interest of yours that no one would expect?
Well, to be completely honest, it's usually writing. When I meet new people and tell them that I write they're always a bit surprised. I guess I'm not a whimsical and mysterious enough personality to be considered as such by a complete stranger?
I have no idea.
4. What is currently stressing you out?
Hmm...Well, our dryer doesn't have a it just keeps going and going unless you stop it...and my clothes are in there, and I really just don't them to die a violent death.
5. What is a reason to not be stressed out about that thing you answered in #4?
My life won't end if my clothes die a violent death.
6. What is your favorite memory?
Well, hmm...I don't have a single favorite memory...Seeing the mountains this past summer was amazing...Summer time lunch at Culver's...late night runs to Taco Bell...I don't know, man, there are so many!
7. Who is your biggest role model, and why? ( you guys are not allowed to say me. I know it'll be tough, but... I don't make the rules. Oh wait, I do.)
I'm going to be honest, Margaret, I was going to say you...but rules are rules!! Kidding! Kidding! (You are quite fabulous, though!)
I don't mean to be super-duper cliché, but I would definitely have to say Jesus. Jesus is (by far) my biggest role model. (After him come my parents, my siblings, and all of my close friends.)
8. Biggest pet peeve? (this question is so interesting to me... I don't know why.)
I have more than one, actually.
When people treat Pinterest like it's social media. I mean, it is to some extent, but it isn't. When I see somebody say "THANK YOU FOR THE 1K FOLLOWERS OMG THANK YOU!!" I cringe. That is not how you Pinterest!
Also, I have a lot of brothers and I absolutely hate when people say that they "feel bad" for me. No. How dare you? Do you have a brother? If you do, he must be a jerk, because my brothers are the greatest.
I can only hope that that's interesting enough...
9. What is a misconception that you are learning to overcome?
The misconception that everybody should know themselves completely, and not only that they should, but that they can...It's just not possible.
10. Finally, what are you currently eating/wishing you were eating? (saved the best for last, I did)
Skittles or gummy bears.
Thank you a million times over, Margaret, I really enjoyed these! :-)
Now, for the lovely Isabella's questions!
1. What is something you would want to say to the world?
This. A million times over.
2. What TV show/movie would you want to be a part of making, and how would you help make it?
Ummmmm.....Well, I think we all know the answer to this one. Most definitely Doctor Who! I would either write or just help out behind the scenes.
3. What is your favorite character stereotype?
Oh, gosh! I don't know! I love so many! The gentle Giant, the gentleman-like criminal, the poor farm boy...
4.What fairy tale creature (fairy, wizard, troll, enchantress, etc.) would you want to be and why?
I'd be a princess so that I could wear pretty dresses all the time, and I'd fall in love with the stable-hand, and we'd run off and get married and stuff.
5. What is your favorite genre to write in/read/watch?
My favorite genre to write is...I don't even know what you'd call it. It's like a bit dark, a bit thoughtful, a bit sad, a bit whimsical(?).
I love to read a bit of every genre, but I don't especially enjoy romantic books unless they're realistic or insanely unique...and romance books that involve teens? Forget it.
To watch? I'm game for pretty much anything, anything but horror, that is.
6. What kind of person do you want to be/become?
I just want to be good, and kind-hearted, and full of love.
7. What is stopping you from becoming that person?
I like to believe that I'm somewhere close to being that person already. Essentially though, I get in my own way.
8. What stocking stuffers do you want this Christmas?
If my family did stocking stuffers, I'd want a bunch of pens.
9. What do you want?
I want people to be open-minded and not in their own little palace of "I am right, you are wrong, the end."
Also, I could really use some fuzzy socks and some sleep.
10. Who hurt you?
Not anyone, really. If I I have been hurt, all is forgotten now. I am not a fragile person. I try to move on as fast as I can. Forgive. Forgive. Forgive.
Isabella, mah dahling, much thanks for your lovely questions! :-)
I only know maybe two bloggers who haven't already been nominated
Mary Jane
My ten questions are as follows
1. Who is your favorite character in The Hobbit films and why?
2. Do you smell books?
3. Favorite period drama?
4. What is one book that I've probably never heard of that's really good?
5. Can you make up something that rhymes right now?
6. The last movie you saw at the theater?
7. Do you like snow, or?
8. Alligators or Crocodiles?
9. When you make a PBJ. do you prefer more PB or more J?
10. Are you, are you coming to the tree?
Friday, January 30, 2015
Favorites Entry 2: January 2015
Hello, My lovelies! I'm beyond excited for today's post! I'm seriously writing this more than a week ahead of time(I would like to add that I'm not finishing in untill 1/30, though...), but I just can't wait! I want to share this month's favorites with you right this very second!
1. My wall of poetry
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My wall of beauty! |
To start things off I'd like to show you my masterpiece (Dun, dun, dunnn!)
This my epic wall of poetry! It's actually even greater now. This picture was taken in its earliest of days. All of the poetry on this wall is my own...and, to be honest, this entire wall wouldn't be able to hold all the poetry I've written. I'm addicted to writing to's wonderful.
2. North and South(BBC)
Okay, ages ago (I mean months ago) I started reading the North and South book by Elizabeth Gaskell...and I failed. I gave it try, after try, after try I wanted to love it so badly! Eventually, I broke down and watched the BBC adaption on Netflix. I loved it! I enjoyed it so much that I've been inspired to give the book yet another try. If you don't fall in love with Mr. Thornton (Richard Armitage)then I will--Well, I already have *swoon*! I love Margaret (Daniela Denby-Ashe) too! She's just awkward enough and just proper enough to be terribly likable! You have got to check this one out. You won't be disappointed!
3. All the lovely books I've acquired this past month
I think I went to the bookstore twice this month. Well, I went to two separate bookstores...but books are books, am I right? The first time I went, it was to my usual bookstore(with Bestie in tow). It was there that I purchased The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict by Trenton Lee Stewart (Pictured: Third from the bottom), Voss By I-have-no-idea-but-I'm-too-lazy-to-go-upstairs-and-check (Pictured: Second from the bottom), and last (but definitely not least) Bestie and I indulged and each got separate of The Complete Novels of Jane Austen (Pictured: Very bottom).
The second bookstore visit was to the obscure bookstore in town, and, boy, was I in Heaven! So many books! So many books for really low prices! Yes, that was me sitting down on the floor starting The Fellowship of the Ring (Even though I had no money left to purchase it) while my mom continued a conversation with the lady there.
Anyway, from that lovely place I purchased The Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson (Pictured: Very tippity-top), In Bloom By Louisa May Alcott (Pictured: Smack in the middle), Blue Willow By Doris Gates (Pictured: Second from top), and The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle By Avi (Pictured: Third from top).
Wow, look at how much I wrote on my bookstore visits alone...nerd, much?
4. These vintage postcards
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Postcard #1 (front only) |
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Postcard #2 (Front and back) |
The same day Bestie and I hit the bookstore...we also hit the local antiques mall. We scored with our super vintage, super obscure vintage postcards. We each got two...and they are lovely!
Side note: Postcard #1 just might be my new blog photo...
Side note: Postcard #1 just might be my new blog photo...
5. East and West Vlog (Web series)
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East and West Vlog opening sequence (via Google Images) |
Well, that's January 2015 for you guys! Let me know about your favorites of this month!
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
The Wrong Question
Lately I've still been feeling like an alien.
The reason why I so often feel like an alien is not because I'm better or worse than everyone else around me. I think I'm just in my own square of individuality, and I look at everyone else like they're in one big square.
I mean, I've gotten past most of it, but I've realized something. I've been spending a lot of time just asking myself why I'm this way. It seems like there's only me, and then all of you. Which is really and awful way to look at it, I'm one of you, aren't I? I'm not superior or inferior to anybody...and yet, I feel as if I'm both at once...
The problem is, I've been asking myself the wrong question.
The real question is: How is everyone else different from me?
The truth is, they're not. We're all different, obviously, but we're all the same.
How is everyone different than me?
They aren't.
We're all individuals, yes. We're all ourselves, yes. But it is never me against everybody else. It is never a category where there's me...and then you. This is not a book where there's one chapter about me and 20 chapters about everyone else. This is not a book where there are 20 chapters about me and a single chapter about everybody else. I guess we're all in this together. Even if you feel like you know it's about you more than others, or about others more than you...we're all in this together.
We like to believe that we know this, but we don't. We don't understand that treating everyone with kindness, and love, and genuine care is the only way that we can even try to show everyone else that the line between inferior and superior does not exist. There is no line.
I always kind of feel that I'm on the outside looking in on everyone else. I think I'll feel this way for a long time...but I think it's because everyone is on the outside looking in at everyone else. I thought it was just me...that I was the only one who really felt this way, but I believe that we've all felt like an alien. I've never felt intimidated by this feeling, I've only felt lost and challenged. Lost because I seemed to have no direction to go, and challenged to find a direction.
You are in a square...but you're not the only one.
"Have no fear, you will
find your way.
It's in your bones.
It's in your soul."
--Mark Z. Danielewski
The reason why I so often feel like an alien is not because I'm better or worse than everyone else around me. I think I'm just in my own square of individuality, and I look at everyone else like they're in one big square.
I mean, I've gotten past most of it, but I've realized something. I've been spending a lot of time just asking myself why I'm this way. It seems like there's only me, and then all of you. Which is really and awful way to look at it, I'm one of you, aren't I? I'm not superior or inferior to anybody...and yet, I feel as if I'm both at once...
The problem is, I've been asking myself the wrong question.
The real question is: How is everyone else different from me?
The truth is, they're not. We're all different, obviously, but we're all the same.
How is everyone different than me?
They aren't.
We're all individuals, yes. We're all ourselves, yes. But it is never me against everybody else. It is never a category where there's me...and then you. This is not a book where there's one chapter about me and 20 chapters about everyone else. This is not a book where there are 20 chapters about me and a single chapter about everybody else. I guess we're all in this together. Even if you feel like you know it's about you more than others, or about others more than you...we're all in this together.
We like to believe that we know this, but we don't. We don't understand that treating everyone with kindness, and love, and genuine care is the only way that we can even try to show everyone else that the line between inferior and superior does not exist. There is no line.
I always kind of feel that I'm on the outside looking in on everyone else. I think I'll feel this way for a long time...but I think it's because everyone is on the outside looking in at everyone else. I thought it was just me...that I was the only one who really felt this way, but I believe that we've all felt like an alien. I've never felt intimidated by this feeling, I've only felt lost and challenged. Lost because I seemed to have no direction to go, and challenged to find a direction.
You are in a square...but you're not the only one.
"Have no fear, you will
find your way.
It's in your bones.
It's in your soul."
--Mark Z. Danielewski
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Favorites Entry Special: 2014
Ah, hello my people! Today I have a special look back at 2014 for you. I know, I'm as excited as you are...which probably isn't that excited. But what do I know, right?
Anyway, today I'm going to list my favorite things as far as film, television, books, and such go.
Honestly, this was much more difficult than I expected. I mean, it should be easy to pick my favorite book of 2014, right? No. Wrong. Terribly wrong. Frightfully wrong!
Well, I guess I should probably get started, right?
To start things off rather simply, my favorite Movie this Year was...
Anyway, today I'm going to list my favorite things as far as film, television, books, and such go.
Honestly, this was much more difficult than I expected. I mean, it should be easy to pick my favorite book of 2014, right? No. Wrong. Terribly wrong. Frightfully wrong!
Well, I guess I should probably get started, right?
To start things off rather simply, my favorite Movie this Year was...
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Official Poster (via Pinterest) |
Yes, that's right. This film is all around gold. It's just my favorite. It's hilarious, it's heartfelt, it's the best Marvel production yet--in my opinion, of course. My family(usually my dad and brothers) always drag me along to movies that I don't particularly want to see, and I always end up falling completely in love with whatever they make me go see. This one, though, I believe I loved the most. We just watched it again last night (Per New Year's Eve tradition that involves watching a movie before the new year), and let me say, it was just as funny, just as awesome, just as everything as I remember!
Other Favorites Films from 2014: Interstellar, Big Hero 6, The Book Thief, Ivanhoe(1997)
Now, to dabble in Television. This past year marks a year of, well, awesomeness as far as TV shows go. I don't know if the mere fact that I had more time to watch TV is embarrassing or what...but who cares, really?
Moving on, my favorite TV show this year is (Not surprisingly):
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Doctor Who in a picture (via Pinterest) |
If you saw this coming, I really don't blame you. If you know anything about me, you know I love Doctor Who. Seriously, it's a sickness. I mean, I could go on and on, but I'd prefer not to bore you.
Other Favorite TV shows: Gilmore Girls, Psych, Hotel Impossible, The Voice, Probably others I can't remember right now...
Okay, so here's the hardest one yet. Books are pretty much one of my all time favorite things ever in the history of all of time and space...and that's probably why choosing a favorite book of 2014 was incredibly difficult. I haven't actually read as many books this past year as I'd like to have-- which is what every bookworm says, let's be honest. Seriously, though, I'm just rambling now.
After many painful minutes of contemplation...I decided that a single favorite book was impossible...and that's why I chosen two!
First we have the not surprising:
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(Via Pinterest) |
If you've read any of my past posts, you'll see this as no shock. This book is a masterpiece. I mean, there are no words to describe it. It's beautiful, it's heartbreaking, it's just amazing. I can't wait to read it again, honestly.
My second favorite this year is one I haven't even blogged about yet:
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Sorry so blurry (via Pinterest) |
Every Girl should seriously read this book. It's blunt, it's beautiful, it will change your life. (Special thanks to a close friend for giving me a copy)
Other favorite reads of 2014: The Ascendance Trilogy By Jennifer A. Nielsen, Meet the Austins by Madeleine L'Engle, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, and many more.
Now for an easier! This past year I listened to music a lot more than any previous years. I didn't really discover any new music exactly, though. I really just listened to what I've always listened to with a touch of this or that. All in all, I think my favorite artist that I never get tired of is the one and only Coldplay!
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Coldplay's Ghost Stories cover art (via Pinterest) |
Colplay is another thing that I could go on and on about(and I have)...I just never get tired of their music.
Other Favorite musicians of 2014: Owl City, For King & Country, Relient K, One Direction (judge me if you must), James Blunt, etc, etc.
Last, but not least, I have my favorite web series. 2014 was the year I discovered web series'...because I'm obviously way behind everyone...because I'm me. I have many favorites (okay, like 5), but I think my favorite is probably this one
GGF opening sequence (via Pinterest)
This one is (obviously) a modern take on Anne of Green Gables. I may be bias because I love Anne Shirley more than most, but if you want to check it out, here's a link to the first episode. They start off kind of low quality, but they do get better and I think the lack of camera and sound quality adds to the reality of the story.
Other favorites: The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, Emma Approved, In Ernest
Okay, folks, I think that's all. I really enjoyed 2014. Heck, I started this blog in 2014. It feels like age ago, honestly. It's weird to look back on the last's always weird for me because I feel like I'm not remembering enough of the important things that happened. I'm not saying that I'm ungrateful, I'm just saying that it often feels like no matter how grateful I am, it never seems as if I am quite grateful enough. Am I even making sense at this point?
2014 has been great, but every year is a great year. Heck, every day is a great day. I feel like 2014 really was the span of 365 days where I have grown in spirit, in mind, and in self more than every other year before. I haven't even graduated high school yet, but here I am feeling more like an adult than any teenager should. I have ambition, I have spirit, I have beauty, I have art, and life, and breath, and so much possibility at my fingertips. I am unstoppable.
What are your favorites of 2014?
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