Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday's Ray: Why I Like Me

     I was a bit of a tomboy when I was younger, and that's definitely something I can credit to my brothers. Yes, I played with dolls here and there, but I had no problem pretending to fight wild animals with my most faithful companions who happened to me my older brother and my younger brother. While I spent hours on end playing with my brothers, my sisters and my mom kept me well-rounded on being a girl.
      Despite the fact that I found girly things to be more exciting as I grew older(make-up, romantic movies, and such), I have never found them to be more satisfying than giving up some of my tomboy habits. Fortunately for you, I'm not going to sit here and write all of the tomboy-like habits I still showcase because, quite frankly, some of them are rather embarrassing.
      For as long as I can remember I have never really worried too much about the way I look. When I was little my mom told me that I was beautiful, and I believed her. It's as simple as that. It's always seemed that there were more important things to worry about than what I looked like. I mean, boys are cool and all, but I found that time was more valuably spent doing things rather than looking at myself in the mirror.  Even now, there are still days when I unashamedly go out in public without make-up on, or don't brush my hair for an entire day because I'm not going anywhere. I'm not saying that I act like a slob and don't care about what I look like, but, well, maybe I kind of am saying that. 
     Sure, there have been times when I really didn't like myself, but there have far many more times where I did like who I am. Everyone has those times where they feel like they're worthless, ugly, and entirely fat. I've been there too--and it's usually looking in a dressing room mirror at some store that has absolutely no appreciation for girls above a size negative 5 because the shirt I have on looks ridiculous!
      I'm not saying that I am the most beautiful person to walk this earth, in fact, I could write out all of my imperfections right now, but that would be pointless seeing as there is so much more good to focus on. I'm simply happy with who I am in its entirety, and that's that.
     You don't need a house-full of brothers or a handful of sisters to come to like who you are. I know, you've probably heard this a million times but...I'm going to say it for the one millionth and first time: What you need to do is stop focusing on the outside, and start focusing on the inside. You're inner beauty can shine out, but you're outer beauty cannot shine in. Outer beauty has next to no importance on where you go with your life, but inner beauty does. So stop focusing on your outer imperfections, and focus on your inner ones instead. Then, guess what? You'll end up being more beautiful than you can possibly imagine.

"When will we learn that it's not the shell we walk around in that matters, but the contents carried inside?" ~Tyler Knott Gregson



  1. I love this. Such an encouragement, dear. So well put. Thanks for the words. :)

    1. Thanks, Pinterest Buddy! You're too sweet! :)

  2. Sunshyne, dearest, you have always had the best views on personal mindset between the two of us and it really is breathtaking how you like to be yourself. You show poise, but your still the most fun person in the world to be with because you except yourself and don't spend half your day perfecting your make-up. :) Haha! I love you so much and your words of encouragement are absolutely awesome! Love you beautiful! <3

    1. You made my day, dear. Thank you for all of your ridiculously kind words, dearest. You're really way to kind. I'm like, so flattered over here... Don't you ever change who you are, my dear, because you're awesome, and beautiful, and super-duper legit! I love you so much!!! More than Stewie loves socks, my dear! <3 <3
