Saturday, March 29, 2014

Uh, Remotely Important Announcement

This concerns the 2.5 people who actually follow my blog: I'm going to take a break from writing for awhile. I've hit writer's block, and I think that taking a break will cure this awful dilemma. I cannot be sure about how long I'll be gone, so, uh, I hope that you'll be okay! 


  1. Hey, I came up with a few prompts that might help out your writers block. Of course you don't have to use them...I just really enjoy reading your blog. You are a very talented writer!
    Here are a few questions:
    Who is your favorite fictional character and why?
    Who is your favorite Biblical person and why?
    What is your favorite Bible passage and why?
    What contemporary view, theory, and/or opinion which is held by the majority of America's/the world's population do you disagree with and why?

    So, maybe those will prompt an idea for you!
    Happy writing:)

    1. Hi! You are awesome! These are absolutely great! I will SO use one/all of these sometime soon! Probably Wednesday I'll answer one of them!
      Thanks for your help, and all of your kind words of encouragement! You really have helped me a lot!
