Have you ever never understood yourself so badly that you get confused? For me, this happens often. I don't quite grasp why I act or think a certain way, and it really bothers me. I mean, it probably shouldn't bother me like it does, but it drives me crazy!
In an age where the newest trendy book is read by every teenager in the universe, it's hard to get my friends to listen to me when I say, "Well, yea, that book was okay, but I mean, there are like a million way better books.". My friends kind of look at me and say, "WHAT?! This is THE BEST BOOK EVER!", and I'm just like, "That's not even literature...". Maybe I'm picky, or maybe I'm insane, or maybe I'm just...right?
Okay, so you probably know what Divergent is, right? If you don't, it's no big deal, I'll tell you what it is. It's like The Hunger Games, but the main character's name is Triss and she lives in this future world, and she's different than everyone else, and she may or may not change everything in her future world...Sound familiar? Yea...So I read the first one, and it was okay. To me, there wasn't anything special about it. I mean, unlike with The Hunger Games, I felt that Divergent was very predictable. I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I knew what was coming, I just did. I don't mean that in a, "I'm better than you because I knew what was gonna happen!" way, I mean it in a, "The book didn't really interest me that much because it was predictable.". The fact that I knew what was going to happen kind of ruined the whole experience for me.
On to the point, when I'm the odd one out for not obsessing over all of these books with everyone else, I feel like I might be wrong. Am I weird for not liking these books? I don't know if you've ever heard the quote that goes something like, "When everyone is running toward a cliff, he who runs in the opposite direction seems insane.", but I have and it really makes my day. I'm not saying that all of my friends are running off the edge of the Cliffs of Insanity, but I am saying that maybe it's okay that I'm going in the opposite direction. Perhaps I'm just an old soul. Perhaps I see through all of the unoriginal, predictable story lines of books that I'd much rather not waste my time on. Perhaps I'm pulling the classic, "It's not you, it's me." to make you feel better. Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps I'm just flat out opinionated! I really don't know. I am, however, going to go read books that are worth it and not just popular ones because, as another good quote goes, "If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think how everyone else thinks."(Unknown).
I don't want to think like everyone else, I want to be me. If I think something is stupid, there's a very big chance that I will tell you so--if you give me the chance. To me, it feels like the world just wants to draw me into their trashy trends that I'd rather not be apart of. I want to read the books I want to read, and watch the movies that I want to watch. I don't want to do what everyone else is doing because they could be running toward the edge of a cliff.
Rant over. (Apologies if this didn't make any sense...)
Are you ever confused by yourself too, or is that just me?
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